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Pollution is responsible for nine million deaths per year worldwide


Black Americans are exposed to 30% more particle pollution than White Americans


There are 1.5 million Pennsylvanians living within a half mile of oil & gas infrastructure


There is only one planet for us to protect

About HealthFirst PA

HealthFirstPA is a coalition of health care professionals, public health advocates, parents, and faith leaders who defend children and other vulnerable populations from the health risks posed by harmful pollution from oil and gas development.

Image by American Public Power Association

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Find information about upcoming and archived events from HealthFirstPA and our partner organizations.

Image by Jason Pischke


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Methane Safeguards

Cutting methane emissions is the fastest opportunity we have to immediately slow the rate of global warming. At least 25% of today’s global warming is driven by methane from human actions. Cutting harmful methane pollution will protect public health and the climate.

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

RGGI is a carbon pollution control program that works by requiring electric power plants to buy “allowances” to cover their plants’ carbon emissions, which encourages them to modernize their plants.

Orphan Well Plugging

A significant number of wells drilled in Pennsylvania were drilled prior to modern well permitting and plugging requirements; a significant number of wells still pose a potential threat to human health and the environment.

Clean Transportation

Clean air is the cornerstone of a clean, healthy environment. That means working towards making electric vehicles more accessible and attainable, both privately and publicly, and building out an infrastructure to support this goal. 

Petrochemical Buildout

Petrochemicals are substances made from petroleum or shale gas. These substances are used to manufacture industrial products like plastics. Producing these substances requires large industrial complexes that emit high levels of pollution into the environment, significantly impacting public health.

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental policies. Fair treatment means that no population bears a disproportionate share of negative environmental consequences.



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